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They’re Selling You All Wolf Tickets People…

    What if you tried something different to grow your business?Rather than doing the same thing again and again…

    Let’s take the following situation. You’ve done the hard yards, you’ve looked into the new ‘Facebook funnel’ and you’ve heard about the new landing page that will ‘change the game’…

    Now you are seeing the same person who you’ve never met on a Facebook advert, talking about how many members they’ve pumped into some gym and how crazy you are for not doing this funnel thing…

    Guess what, big call coming here…

    None of it would even work, if you didn’t have some simple basics in place in the business, sales, service and systems for a start…

    I’m going to be frank…

    What they’re flogging, is mostly simple PDF’s which tell you how to use Facebook, that you can literally get for free if you just visit Facebooks already established training guides, like this one

    As the great MMA fighter Nick Diaz once said “They selling you all wolf tickets people”…

    (PS. That will be $10’000 for the Facebook link thanks – haha!)….

    Here’s what pretty much every small business owner needs, a high five when they win and a gentle kick in the backside when they slack off (please don’t actually kick anyone!)

    Oh and I mentioned already, a simple focus on sales, service and systems

    Think about this simple example…

    Right now in your business I would say that your member base has grown to a degree by referral?

    Am I right?

    I also presume that most of this referral process is passive, i.e. a member says ‘Hey, my sister wants to join’, and we respond something like, ‘Cool, here’s a flyer, tell her to pop in’…

    What happens next…
    You’ve taken a passive approach to referral growth hoping that the prospect who may not be motivated takes action…

    All that needs to happen here is that you adopt an active approach which incorporates some simple steps that we guide owners on. A clear example of how the answer is not always tech based but mostly touch logic based (ie. human contact/approach)…

    See below an example of one of our brilliant coaching clients who we work directly with and how he feels we buck the ‘coaching trend’…

    Even 10 years deep, Chad knows how to grow and he is seeing new wins in his business and himself, he is one of many that we work with personally, we take this personal…

    SAOR is not a big huge company, it’s small and we are proud of that, as we keep it small intentionally to keep the service personable. We don’t want to grow ‘just because’ we want to grow with our members when we need to…

    PS. We are so small, you are now talking to the Owner, CEO, Email Marketer, Founder, Cleaner and much more…

    Want in?

    Here’s the deal, we have three BIG things were doing in the next 3 Months:

    1. Launching our new Members Portal which has all the good stuff you need; templates, resources, cases studies, discounts etc – You’ll be able to see the referral resource here (with the 5 steps) by the way!
    2. Brining more group events to the global market.
    3. Working directly with three more clients in a one on one coaching capacity (quick maths, 1 per month!)

    So if you want in engage with us regarding one of the above…

    Simply get in touch or if you do want to know more on the referral process that you could launch in just 20 minutes click here to gain access to our members portal and stay tuned..

    Looking forward to chatting more about what you do best.

       Shane McKeogh
       SAOR Owner, Founder, CEO & Most Importantly, Cleaner!